Synthesizing and Investigating Cobalt Complexes: UV-Vis and Structure-Property Relationships

Post-Lab Activity

Below are the formulas and arrangements of all of the complexes you synthesized:
Glycine Complex = [Co(C2O2NH4)3]

Oxalate Complex = [Co(C2O4)3]3-

Water Complex = [Co(H2O)6]3+

Phenanthroline Complex = [Co(C12H8N2)3]3+

Cyanide Complex = [Co(CN)6]3-

Some ligands are monodentate ligands while others are bidentate ligands. The suffix 'dentate' refers to the number of 'bites' a ligand has on a metal, which is an informal way to describe the number of bonding sites. Mono = 1 meaning that a ligand forms one bond to a metal; Bi = 2 meaning that a ligand forms two bonds to a metal.

Coordination number refers to the number of attachments a central atom has (number of bonds formed to the central atom).

3. What are the coordination numbers of all of the complexes you synthesized?

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