Miami University NMR/MS Facility

NMR Instruments

Miami has six Bruker NMR instruments spanning 200 MHz to 850 MHz. Three low-field solution instruments are available for all trained users (200, 400, 500). A 500 MHz solid-state NMR is located in the lab of Dr. Lorigan. Biomolecular studies are given priority on the two high-field instruments (600, 850)

Bruker 200 (Hughes 86)
- Primarily used for undergraduate teaching and for 1H and 19F NMR
- Default Probe: 5 mm QNP (1H, 13C, 31P, 19F)
- VT is not available

Bruker Avance NEO 400 (Hughes 63)
- Automated acquisition through IconNMR and the SampleCase autosampler
- Probe: SmartProbeTM BBFO (1H outer, 19F and broadband inner coil)
- VT: 270K - 370K with BCU, 160K – 280K with liquid nitrogen exchanger
* Walk-Up: 8am Tuesday to 6pm Friday
* Reservable: 6pm Friday to 8am Tuesday

Bruker 500 (Hughes 65)
- Primarily used for longer 1D and 2D experiments
- Probes: 5 mm BBO with Z-gradients(1H outer coil, broadband inner coil)
5 mm TXI with Z-gradients(1H inner coil, 13C, 15N outer coil)
- VT: 260 K - 370 K
* Reservable at all times through Faces scheduling system

Bruker AV500WB (Solids, Hughes 126)
- Default Probe: 4 mm HX CP/MAS (MAS currently non-functional)
- Alternate probe(s): various flat cell and static probes
- Exclusive to the Lorigan research group

Bruker AVIII 600 (Hughes 23)
- Default Probe: 5 mm TXI with Z-gradients(1H inner coil, 13C, 15N outer coil)
- VT: 270 K - 370 K

Bruker AVIII 850 ( Hughes 23)
- Default Probe: 5 mm TXI with Z-gradients(1H inner coil, 13C, 15N outer coil)
- VT: 270K - 370K

Mass Spec Instruments

Miami has two Agilent single-quad mass spectrometers. MS detected liquid chromatography is available downstairs. The GC-MS is located in the lab of Dr. Danielson.

Agilent Single-Quad LC/MS with 1260 Infinity II LC system (Hughes 76)
- Ion sources: ESI or APCI
- Mass range: 10 – 2000 m/z
- Direct Infusion Mode: from sample changer through junction
- Chromatography Mode: from sample changer through Zorbax SB-C18 column
- Variable Wavelength UV/Vis detector

Agilent Single-Quad GC/MS (Hughes 362)

For more information on how the Miami University NMR/MS Facility can support your research, please contact the NMR and MS Specialist at