All users must be trained by the instrumentation specialist or instrumentation TA. Users are not permitted to train one another, under any circumstances.
NMR Training
- Basic training can be scheduled throughout the year. Please do not request training if you do not anticipate using the NMR instrument within the next month.
- If it has been over 6 months since you last used the NMR instruments, please reach out to the instrumentation specialist or TA to supervise your first acquisition
- To schedule basic 1D training on the 200/400/500 NMR, email the Instrumentation Specialist to get the sigh-up document. Please sign up for training at least one day in advance.
- Basic training covers sample preparation, instrument safety, acquisition and processing of 1D 1H spectra, and instrument scheduling. This training will be done on the 200 MHz instrument unless another instrument is specifically requested.
- Skill Tests should be schedule with the Instrumentation Specialist within a week of training. You are expected to have your own sample for the Skill Test.
- After the Skill Test, you will be given an account to use the Faces reservation system.
- Additional training and Skill Tests are required to use other instruments as listed below.
- 500 MHz 1D (Training and Skill Test): collection of 1D 1H and 13C spectra, auto-shimming
- 500 MHz 2D (Training and Skill Test): set up and collect COSY, TOCSY, NOESY, HSQC, HMBC
- 500 MHz VT (Training and Skill Test): safely collect data above or below room temperature
- 400 MHz 1D (Training and Skill Test): introduction to IconNMR automation
- 400 MHz 2D (Training and Skill Test): 2D training on 500 is recommended
- 400 MHz VT (Training and Skill Test): safely set up the liquid nitrogen exchanger for experiments below 0°C
- Advanced training on 2-dimentional techniques and variable temperature experiments will be scheduled at the discretion the Instrumentation Specialist.
- Training on the high field instruments, 600/850, may be scheduled at the discretion the Instrumentation Specialist.
- Virtual training on the 500 MHz NMR can be viewed here. This video does not replace basic training but may help the training conclude more quickly.
- PDF versions of all instrument instructions are available by request.